My name is Andrea Szakács, my family lives in Budakalás a town 5 km from Budapest in HUNGARY. We have been keeping dogs since 2001 and we started to breed big dog sin 2002. We have been to olmost all parts of Central Europe.

We have bred a lot of prize winning dogs: Young Champions, Europe Winner, Inter Champions, Eastern-Europe Winner and Grand Prix Winners. There are also several pets whitch live with their owners happily.

We visited large number of exhibitions in 2009 we saw several beautiful types of dogs, but the dog we fell in love with was the KOOIKERHONDJE.

We found a breeder in the Netherlands. Who had a really promissing couple and we got in touch with him. After a lot of e-mails and a long jouney to the Netherland eventually we collected the longwaited puppy Aron in June 2010.

We are the first and only breeders of this type of dog in Hungary. My experiences have comfirmed that everything written about this dog is true. It is a medium sized, very faithful partner whitch demonds love. It is cuddly kind and loveable.

Later we though Aron would be happy with a partner a bitch. We have found the ideal „girl” Amy for „him”. We brought „her” from hte north of the Czech Republic in september 2010.

Their offspring Alice Dog from Wonderland won the title of World Junior Winner and Best Junior at BUDAPEST WORLD DOG SHOW in 2013.

They are among the most valuable titles that a dog can winn in its age group. As we also breed big dogs, this extroverted cherful type of dog does good to them by making them move.

Anyvone who meets a Kooikerhondje will have their heat set on it.